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Robert Edwards

Proudly presents,

What is Ephalon?

Ephalon ( Ef-fa-lon )

   Ephalon is a fantasy novel series written and created by Robert Edwards.

   The word Ephalon belongs to the planet upon which its many tales take place.

   The story is set in an entirely different universe from our own.

   Through this website, you can find links to purchase the already released novels as well as meet various characters from the series to help guide you deeper into the lore of this world.

Would you like to know more?

   You can follow the links to the right as an easy starting point or peruse the page header to delve deeper into the machinations of Ephalon.

   Below you can find which novels have so far been released. Nine in total are planned to be written. If all goes well, they should be finished by the end of 2020.

The Six Gods of creation, Ephalon

Modern times have come!

   A book trailer for Ephalon - Bonds of Destiny is available for your viewing pleasure. May it scratch the intrigue itch and entice you to delve deeper into the modern lore of Ephalon.

   If you want to know more about the goings-on during the 5th Era of Ephalon (urban-era), why not have Miss Reina Lethose, our expert scholar, introduce you to various facts and titbits of knowledge.

Ephalon book one title
Ephalon book two title
Ephalon book three title
Ephalon book cover art
Ephalon Fate Weavers cover art
Ephalon - Shackles of Enterra cover art

Books written by Robert Edwards / Cover art created by Xakarus Alldredge

Ephalon book four title
Ephalon book five title
Ephalon book six title
Ephalon - Bonds of Destiny cover art
Ephalon - Secret of Redstar cover art
Ephalon - Triumvirate cover art

Books written by Robert Edwards / Cover art created by Xakarus Alldredge

Ephalon book seven title
Ephalon book eight title
Ephalon - Darkest Depths cover art
Ephalon - Trial of the Cursed cover art
Ephalon - Devourer cover art

Books written by Robert Edwards / Cover art created by Xakarus Alldredge

So, what's next? (posted August 2021)

Question 1:
- Part nine has dropped, is that the end of Ephalon? 

- No, not by a long shot. The next phase will be a rework of the website. Once that's done, I will reveal the full scope of what I intend to do next in this ongoing series.

Question 2:
- Will you write more instalments? Like prequels, spin offs of even future stories?

1) prequel stories: I've given the idea some thought. I had brief  with people in the past who expressed interest in some stories centred around the War of Dominance. I am definitely interested in writing about the events in the First Era, but I'd need more time to flesh out a proper idea.

2) Spin off ideas: Again, very interested, but I have nothing on the table as of right now.

3) Future stories: There is definitely enough material for me to create a fourth trilogy or book series. If I went down that route it would be a hard sci-fi future.

Question 3:
- What is the website rework about?


- I'm doing it to structure the pages to make more sense. And I'll be changing the perspective to no longer be from that of characters, but a more general neutral tone. It'll become clear why once its done. I don't want to reveal too much just yet.

Question 3:
- What's this next big project then?

- Wait and see until after the website update. I estimate to have it done sometime in September 2021.

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